LED lighting has many advantages for industrial settings, including reduced energy consumption, improved safety, lower maintenance costs, and improved visibility. But before you begin installing LEDs in your industrial setting, you need to know a few things. First, it’s important to understand how much power they consume. Choosing a lower-powered LED from a LED Lighting Supply will ensure you get the maximum light output at the lowest power consumption.
Reduces Energy Consumption
One of the biggest benefits of using LED lighting in industrial settings is the reduction of energy consumption. LEDs typically consume about 80 percent less power than their halogen equivalents yet produce the same light level. In addition, multiple studies have shown that LEDs also help employees stay more productive and safer while working.
LED lighting also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere and increases the risk of global warming. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are all released during fossil fuels and solid waste combustion and can stay in the air for years.
LED lighting systems are also more durable than standard lighting options. They can withstand moisture, corrosion, and harsh vibrations, minimizing the likelihood of damage to them. They also contribute to a greener environment, reducing the waste a company contributes to landfills. Additionally, LEDs have the lowest environmental footprint compared to other types of lighting, which contributes the least to landfills.
Improves Safety
LED lighting provides better visibility, making it more difficult for workers to slip, trip, or fall. While it may not sound like an obvious benefit, this is an important safety feature. The majority of industrial accidents occur as a result of slips, trips, and falls. The second leading cause of accidents is poor lighting, which can prevent workers from recognizing hazards.
LED lighting requires less maintenance than conventional HID lighting. As a result, it makes it safer for workers who have to work at high heights. According to OSHA, falls from elevation are the #1 most common OSHA citation, with over 5,400 citations issued in the past year. In addition, conventional HID lighting sources require frequent bulb changes, leading to significant fall risk. LED lighting can eliminate this risk and last up to 3x as long as conventional fixtures. LED lighting can also improve worker productivity and it has been proven to reduce eye strain and discomfort.
Reduces Maintenance
Regarding LED lighting, manufacturers have found that the technology offers many benefits. This technology allows companies to reduce maintenance costs and increase the lifespan of their lighting fixtures. In addition, it means that building management will spend less time changing bulbs and ballasts. It, in turn, reduces the burden of hefty electricity expenses.
LED lighting is also more energy efficient than traditional lighting systems. LED bulbs typically last up to five times longer, resulting in significant energy savings. In addition, they are also extremely durable, meaning they can withstand many years of operation. The lifespan of LED lighting fixtures makes them an ideal option for many industrial settings. LEDs produce very little heat. In addition, they have metal heat sinks that dissipate this heat. It lowers the temperature in your facility, reducing the power load on heat-sensitive systems. LED lighting systems can also be controlled with sensors and dimming capabilities.
Reduces Costs
LED lighting in industrial settings is an excellent choice for many reasons. Energy efficiency and reduced maintenance costs are just a few benefits. This type of lighting is mercury-free, made from durable plastics, and requires fewer repairs and replacements than incandescent bulbs. Additionally, these products are easily recyclable.
LED lighting is also environmentally friendly and can help save the environment. Moreover, these lights can help cut down on operating costs for facilities. The energy savings from these lights are so substantial that they can pay for themselves in less than two years. For this reason, a business can expect to save up to 40 percent on its electric bills by using LED lighting. LED lighting can reduce the load on heat-sensitive systems, and dimming capabilities and sensors help reduce energy consumption and prolong service life.
Dwayne Kula
Dwayne Kula is President of LED Lighting Supply. On any given day, Dwayne is writing content for the site and helps manage the marketing initiatives that are on-going. He has a Software Engineering degree and still dabbles in writing software for the company as needed. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, working out, playing the occasional game of golf and exploring New England.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dwaynekula/