Computers and Technology

5 Best WooCommerce Badge Manager Plugins

Best WooCommerce Badge Manager Plugins 

Product badges are a very creative way of encouraging sales products and communication in your store or website. 

These plugins’ main purpose of the product badges is to attract the attention of specific products in your store or website. So If you can be achieved and set up badges for all products in stock that is the purpose of making the ability be compromised. 

In this post, we will talk about some of the Best WooCommerce Badge Manager Plugins on the internet So that you can easily decide to choose a product badge manager. 

Now let’s talk about some of the popular high-rated Best WooCommerce Badge Manager Plugins for designing responsive badges for the store.

This plugin is well tested after searching their functionality, serviceability, and popularity. The plugin has a great idea to automate badges for special groups of products in your store or website. 

Best WooCommerce Badge Manager Plugins

1.WooCommerce Product Badge Manager


On our list, the 1st Plugin is Wocommerce Product, Badge Manager. It can be a great plugin for your website for creating some eye-catching badgers on your product. 

The plugin comes with a Strong filter widget for filtering products badge on product badges for this reason you can want to use the badge filter widget somewhen in your shop. This plugin also helps your Customer filter products Based on badges. For each badge of this plugin, you will automatically get a product save the page to list all products under one product badge.  Further, this plugin justifies versatile taxonomies to assign badges in woo-commerce products.   so you can easily set up assigned badges on product categories attributes, terms, sellers, etc. The plugin also lets you add badges to a product’s single page severally and easily maintain from catalog page settings. 

In short, this plugin is also maintained and (updated every year) by their Employer and check compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.This plugin has been rated 5 dozen by their customers. It deserves a lot of praise from real people.



  • It has a power Admin panel
  • Unlimited free badge 
  • 15+ Different positions to show Badge
  • Product filter Badge widget  
  • Drag and Drop setup point 
  • product shop page 
  • Easy Installation and Setup
  • Beautifully Designed Text Background Badge Templates.
  • Show Badge on product catalog
  • Show on Badge on a single product 
  • Floating Badge Top of product Image
  • Multiple Taxonomy Support for Badge.  
  • Beautifully Designed Text Background Badge Templates.

2 . YITH WooCommerce Badge Management  


Another pick for our list is the YITH WooCommerce Badge management. This is a useful plugin that displays promotional badges. It has a flexible Setting where you can set up badges for a single product, multiple products Category wise. In fine, you can easily upload your Custom badge and insert them into your products. 



  • Multiple Badge Templates.
  • Add Badges for Single/Multiple Product.
  • Assign Badge as per Shipping Classes.
  • Upload Custom Badges.
  • Setup Limit Days for Latest Product Badges.

3. Badge Management for WooCommerce


Badge Management for WooCommerce is also a premium WooCommerce plugin to build and manage badges for your online store. The plugin offers a variety of alternative ways to manage product badges on your website. It has various Customization options for adding custom text, color scheme, and location. You can also choose from 9 different images badge templates for this plugin So, the plugin provides some default image badges to add quick promotions to your product.



  • Add Image Badge 
  • Text Badge to your products.
  • Option to Upload Custom Badges.
  • Add Custom Text on Text Badge.
  •  Custom Colors and font Size.
  • Show/ Hide on sale badges of your like.

4. Woo Badge Designer  


Woo bodge Designer is a featureful WooCommerce that contains all the options required to provide proper management for your promotional badge. You can also Choose the unlimited inbuilt position to insert the badge on the product. This is a highly Customizatiable plugin with lots of options to personalize the badges to your liking. Here you can set a custom color for the title badge background and badge corner background as you wish.



  • Add Tooltips on Badges.
  •  Customization Options for Badge Title, Background, and Timer.
  • It allows you to set up your promotional badges in 6 different ways. 
  • Badge Templates and Image Background 
  •  This plugin allows Timer templates  and 
  •  10 per designed 

5. Improved Sale Badge


The next one on our list is in the Improved sale Badge. It can be a great and last choice for your Webstore. It comes to 30 + Unique badge Collections that can be covered customized and interested in your product. It also offers subtle animation effects which is a plus point for the design. In short, You can easily set up the scheduled sale, the expiry date, and your offers on the products list. And it has also 3 several Stylings for single badge Display options.



  • 30+ interesting Sales Badge Collection.
  • Insert Sale Percentage 
  •  Money Saved on Badges.
  • Display Scheduled Sale Counters.
  • Setup Different Color Combinations for Badges.
  • Different Preset to your eCommerce Products.

Our  Recommendation  


We talked about 5 plugins that can help you for creating badges on your product. I have listed only 5 plugins although there are lots of plugins for this job. But If you are still not sure which you will use for your website then we will say that go with the WooCommerce Product Badge Manager. We clearly declare that WooCommerce Product Badge Manager is the number one plugin for creating badges on your store because it comes with many important features that other plugin doesn’t allow. Also, it offers you great support from their support team after you have purchased the plugin. And one more thing to choose the WooCommerce Product Badge Manager plugin because it comes at a reasonable price.



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