
Cinnamon Ferrets Colors and Patterns

Cinnamon Ferrets

Ferrets are a domesticated version of a mammal called the European polecat along with Cinnamon Ferrets. They belong to the genus of Mustela in the Mustelidae family which is similar to Weasel. According to experts domestication has dated to around 2,500 years. In various parts of the earth, they are commonly brought up to hunt rabbits but most are still kept as household pets. Ferrets have a long history with people but there are many different types of people that are sometimes unknown to us.

Types of Ferrets

Cinnamon Ferrets colors and patterns

Ferrets come in many different colors and patterns.  Also, keep in mind that while most colors are restricted to certain breeds. There are some breeds where all coat colors can be found within that breed. For example, some people consider the Siberian Husky to have only white, black/gray, and red (sable) dogs within their breed. But it’s possible to find all sorts of Siberians with striking merle coats (a type of piebald pattern), brindles. And even white Siberians which are not necessarily the same thing as the usual albino ferrets.




Albino – has pink eyes, no color in fur/feathers/scale.


  • Found in all breeds.


  • There is a difference between “white” and “albino” – white = lack of color; albino = lack of pigment due to non-functioning melanocytes (cells that produce pigments).


  • Blue-eyed albino – animal lacks coloring because of faulty tyrosinase enzyme.


  • Found only in ALCs and some lines of platinum silver foxes.


  • Can vary from nearly pure white to gray or blackish slate with blue eyes.


  • All blue-eyed albino kits are almost always deaf (but not blind).


  • Can vary in temperament, many are “friendly ferrets” but some are shy/skittish due to lack of hearing.


  • Banded – rings around individual hairs; may be so narrow that it gives the appearance of solid color.


  • Caused by incomplete pigment migration during hair growth (usually happens in young ferrets under 16 weeks old).


  • Typically fades with age until it’s barely visible, even when the hair is still intact.


  • Black velvet – dark coat with a metallic shine. Has a “batik” or “cosmic moonlight” look that comes from alternating light and dark bands on each hair.


Coat patterns


So, you want to own a ferret. You think it is cute, cuddly and most importantly they are rather intelligent. Maybe you’ve seen ferrets on the television or in the cinema.


Some people say that they make good pets because of their playful, curious nature. This is true, with the right mentality and care for your pet. Not all breeds of ferret live up to these expectations though.


Before even thinking about having a pet or Cinnamon Ferrets. There are several things you need to know so as not to endanger yourself or the ferret.


Cinnamon Ferrets need constant supervision


This is so the ferret cannot hurt itself, for example chewing on electric wires can be dangerous, or it may need you to intervene in a fight between other ferrets if they are kept together. Some people say that you should keep your ferrets separate from one another to avoid fighting but this does not always work.


They are also very curious creatures and will explore everything you have in your house if given the chance. If you do allow them out then make sure there are no hazards lurking about that could harm them (e.g frayed cables, open bins).

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