Ecology education for kids
That article will help you convince that it is possible to introduce children to respect Ecology education early. By waking them up early, we create eco-citizen reflexes that they will keep throughout their lives, and we thus help create a more sustainable society. Because change requires transmission to the younger generations. The first thing to do to influence the little ones is, of course, to lead by avrupa yakası example. From 3 years old, children take adults as role models, and in particular their parents.
Preservation of nature
It is the first step towards an awakening to the preservation of nature. From the age of 5, the child is mature enough to understand and discuss Ecology education protection. The idea is, of course, not to frighten them with alarmist speeches. It is about initiating them simply and intelligently, through dialogue and playful activities, so that everyone can act on their level. How to go about it? You can also teach your kids about vocabulary words that start with e.
Raise awareness through small everyday actions
Children can develop important little habits every day. Asking them, for example, not to throw rubbish on the ground is a primary recommendation that will take on its whole meaning when combined with an explanation. The idea is to realize that We will take the waste into the sewers and risk being dumped into the sea. It will then be harmful to marine animals, it will surely come to be deposited on the beach, and we will no longer be able to s ‘bathe there.
Aware of preserving natural resources
Children can also be encouraged to save energy: turn off the lights when you leave a room, turn off the television when you no longer watch it. Please take the opportunity to talk to them about renewable energies and global warming. Make them aware of preserving natural resources by asking them not to let the water run unnecessarily. By telling them that it is a precious resource to drink, water the plants, and wash, they will realize its importance and not waste it.
Sort and reduce waste to preserve the environment
So that child understands the principle of selective sorting, why not install different colored bins at home? One for glass, one for recyclable waste, and another for non-recycled garbage. You can stick posters with drawings of bottles, cardboard, paper, packaging, and other debris to help them identify the right bin. And if you have a garden, install a composter for organic waste.
It is also an opportunity to make your child aware of the amount of waste that a family produces each week. Please take the opportunity to discuss them with him and reduce them, for example, by preferring homemade cakes to individually wrapped industrial cookies. You will be able to organize a friendly cooking workshop and share a good time with your toddler.
Make children aware of ecology by consuming responsibly.
Nowadays, food stores offer most fruits and vegetables all year round. Children no longer understand that what we eat depends in principle on the seasons. However, these are inherent, which offers us a variety of products all year round. Please talk about the seasons’ cycle with your children and explain that we should not eat strawberries in winter because they often come from far away and are grown in energy-intensive conditions (heated greenhouses, air transport, etc.). Try as much as possible to buy and cook seasonal fruits and vegetables, preferably organic or sustainable agriculture. Become “locavores”: prefer local products which have a low carbon footprint and are fresher and therefore healthier.
Reduce pollution by getting around on foot or by bike
If you live near the school, accompany your child on foot or by bicycle. Or choose these modes of transport to go shopping in your neighborhood or village. Thus, you show them how to protect the Ecology education, and the trip will be much more fun! It will even be an opportunity to do a little exercise. You will save fuel, and you can take the chance to explain to your child that cars emit gases that contribute to polluting the air we breathe. So when we can, we walk or pedal, and we appreciate the landscape in the process!
Say stop to waste of paper.
Children use a lot of paper: to draw pictures, make planes, cut out, etc. Would you please encourage them to use both sides of the document and turn some of their designs into folds and other origami? Please provide them with your used sheets of paper with the back page blank. Often, children are unaware that to make paper, you have to cut trees. We can then explain to them that trees and forests, by producing oxygen. Those are vital for life on our planet. Together, make a “stop advertisements” label to stick on your mailbox. So you will avoid the dozens of flyers that we receive each week.
Sort toys to become aware of the value of things
As they grow older, children get bored of certain toys that are no longer suitable for their age. Please encourage them to select the ones they no longer want and donate to charities or children who use them. They will then assimilate the idea that every toy is valuable, can be passed on, and has a longer lifespan.
Gardening to understand nature
To educate children about ecology, there is nothing better than direct contact with nature. Along with gardening, they understand how plants work and the cycle of life. Germinate seeds, install a small vegetable patch in your garden or on your balcony. Create a mini vegetable garden using leftover vegetables. Your child will enjoy taking care of the plants, watering them, and watching them grow.
Become eco-citizens by cleaning up beaches and forests
Showing children what happens to nature when you don’t throw trash in the trash is probably the most telling lesson. They realize how damaging this is to Ecology education. You can spot a corner of the forest or a stretch of beach that could use a little cleaning in advance. Organize the garbage collection as a game: whoever collects the most in a given time has won! Take a photo before and another after everything is cleaned up. By comparing them, children will realize the impact of their actions. You can also participate in the “world clean up day “: a world day for waste collection in nature is organized each year. Find out more from associations around you.
Explore nature to raise awareness of environmental protection
Whether in the forest, in the countryside or by the sea, children love spending time outdoors. By going for walks, they discover trees, plants, animals, insects, and biodiversity. Show them bird nests, observe ants and bees, and explain why they are essential to the ecosystem. Collect seashells, smell the scents, listen to the bird’s Ecology education. The idea is that they make their discoveries in complete freedom and too bad if they get dirty. Let them jump in puddles, dig dirt and climb trees!
Make manual creations with natural resources.
During your walks, collect pretty pebbles, seashells, beautiful branches, colorful leaves, or flowers. Back home, you can organize a small manual activity workshop on the theme of nature and discoveries: glue the collected treasures on a cardboard panel, arrange them to represent a snowman or a landscape. Use paint, collages and let your children’s imaginations run wild. You can also make a pretty herbarium together to complete the seasons.