Did you know that more than 23 million people suffer from asthma? It is a serious chronic respiratory disease that negatively affects their quality of life? Plenty of research has linked asthma with air pollution as these unwanted pollutants aggravate symptoms thus resulting in asthmatic attacks. Our air contains high amounts of microscopic particles which can get right into your lungs thus damaging them and further exacerbating lung diseases. Your airways being very delicate can be irritated quickly by these microscopic particles. This triggers asthmatic symptoms
What happens when you have asthma?
For people who have asthma running in their family, or those already diagnosed, air pollution is a high-risk factor. Air pollution can affect people with asthma, but some people are at greater risk and may be adversely affected even on days when air pollution is low or moderate:
- Asthmatic children and young adults have faster breathing rates and their lungs are still developing.
- Those with asthma have other long-term conditions, such as COPD and heart disease.
- Pollen combined with pollution can make you more likely to have symptoms of an allergy, such as hay fever.
- People who suffer from severe asthma, or asthma that’s hard to treat.
Even though the air we breathe is the same, the way it ‘triggers’ each individual is different. While it may not affect some individuals at all, others may face symptoms that might make it difficult to cope with the effects. Apart from that, what the weather feels like can also make a difference to the pollution present in the air.
For example:
- When the weather is unsettling, windy, or blustery, pollution levels are usually low.
- If you have an allergy to pollen as well as asthma, pollution can have a greater impact on you on a warm, still day.
- If you also suffer from symptoms caused by cold air, you may be affected more by pollution on a cold, still, foggy day.
Other causes of lung issues
Likewise, open fires and wood-burning stoves pollute the air, as do bonfires, barbecues, and barbecue smoke. There is no doubt smoke can be a problem for some people with asthma, since it can irritate their airways and trigger asthma symptoms. If smoke bothers you, you can close doors and windows to limit how much smoke gets inside.
In case of asthma symptoms, make sure you have your reliever inhaler on hand.
To find out what your local council can do about the problem, contact them if it is an ongoing issue. Both children and adults can develop asthma due to high levels of air pollution. A child living in an area that is high in pollution is at greater risk, and if you’re pregnant at the time, whether or not you have asthma, your baby is more likely to develop asthma.
How can you help your child if he/she has Asthma?
- Plan outdoor activities for early in the day – when air quality is typically best – and avoid areas with heavy traffic if the air quality is poor. Run the air conditioner on days when the air quality is poor. Limit your child’s time outside and turn on the air conditioning.
- Additionally, you should improve the quality of the air in your house. This can be accomplished by using an air cleaner, venting gas appliances outside, and avoiding wood fires.
- You can include this as part of your child’s asthma action plan by talking to your doctor about increasing medicine during times of high air pollution.
- Consume ayurvedic products for respiratory health. Amrutam is India’s best Ayurvedic brand and the product Lozenge Malt is extremely effective when it comes to respiratory complaints.
We hope this post helps you keep your lungs in great health!