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How Can Ayurveda Treat Psoriasis(Sidhma)?

Ayurveda Treat Psoriasis

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a common and long-term skin condition wherein cells build up together to form scaly, itchy, dry, and red patches most commonly on the trunk, elbows, knees, and scalp. This condition leads to a ten times faster multiplication of cells than the normal rate.  These cells form a cluster to cause bumpy and red patches over the skin. 

This chronic condition is communicable and patches and symptoms may disappear then reappear throughout one’s life. As mentioned above, the condition mostly affects a few areas, but in a few severe cases, it may also affect large areas of the body. Though there is no permanent cure to the condition, the symptoms can be contained by following an Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis, which shall be discussed in the article.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

  1. Small scaly spots
  2. Red skin patches with silvery and thick scales on the surface.
  3. Dry and cracked skin.
  4. Bleeding and itching of the rashes.
  5. Stiffness and swelling of joints.
  6. Inflammation in the rashes.
  7. Burning and itching sensations.
  8. Itching and soreness.
  9. Ridged, pitted and thickened nails.

Causes of Psoriasis

Ayurveda and Psoriasis

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian Holistic approach to treating people, that uses natural procedures to heal people. This method of alternative medicine has been practiced for centuries to successfully treat people with different allergies, infections, chronic, and serious diseases. 

Ayurveda has also made its contribution to treating Psoriasis and managing its symptoms. Ayurveda promotes and implements different yoga asanas and pranayama, diet modification, home remedies, and Ayurvedic natural products to provide relief from this condition. Let us individually take a look at all of these methods. 

Home Remedies to Treat Psoriasis

Panchkarma Therapy for Psoriasis

Panch karma therapy includes plant remedies and dietary changes to support healthy body functioning by detoxifying and purifying the blood. These include:

Diet Management in Psoriasis:-


  1. Red meats, especially beef
  2. Processed meats like sausage, bacon, salamis, etc.
  3. Eggs and egg products
  4. Wheat and gluten products like,
  1. Processed foods
  2. Sauces
  3. Condiments
  4. Beer
  5. Malt and aerated beverages
  6. Canned fruits and vegetables
  7. Foods rich in fat, sugar, spices, or salt.
  8. Eggplant
  9. Tomatoes
  10. Pepper
  11. Potatoes
  12. Alcohol


  1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables like,
  1. Fatty Fish like,
  1. Healthy Heart Oils such as, 

Yoga Asanas for Psoriasis

Yoga asanas help in relaxing your mind, relieving stress, and specific body poses or asanas help in treating different ailments. Few yoga poses for treating Psoriasis include:


The Ayurvedic measures and treatments mentioned in the article, effectively help in managing symptoms and signs of Psoriasis. Ayurveda requires patience and regularity to be able to observe a significant change and recovery. To know more about the treatment of Psoriasis or herbal Online medications for it, you can contact our Ayurvedic Healthcare providers at At IAFA, we aim to cure your health concerns and diseases by effectively implementing natural and Ayurvedic therapies to promote internal healing. 

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