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How does Deep Linking benefit your app engagement efforts?

With millions of apps across the App Store and Google Play Store, app users have become accustomed to certain features that they expect all apps to provide. This includes deep linking, or the ability to send a link directly to an app’s or website’s page. These links could come from social media, push notifications, messages, ads, or other websites. This makes Deep Linking an integral part of every app owner’s marketing arsenal.

What makes deep linking so important?

Deep linking encourages apps installs and reduces the chances of churn. It helps apps marketers to run sophisticated apps promotion campaigns without relying too much on content, as a redirect to the apps is recorded and the marketer could target those users later.  

Besides this, deep linking could help to incentivize the use of the app. For instance, you could give the app a customized discount plan for those who’ve used the link to go to the specific app page. In other words, deep linking is crucial for app marketers for retention and engagement activities.

3 types of deep linking approaches

Standard Deep Linking-

Here, the visitors are directed to a specific apps page for those who have the apps installed. This helps save time as the customer can get to the point of information about the intent of the link. Earlier, links went to the browser version of the apps. With deep linking, it is now possible for e-commerce apps marketers to redirect users to a specific discount collection or even a product with a customized discount.

Deferred Deep Linking-

This works similar to standard deep linking, the only difference is that it doesn’t need the apps installed on the smartphone. Once anyone clicks on the link, they are prodded to download the apps and are then automatically redirected to the specific apps page. 

Contextual Deep Linking-

Also known as onboarding, this enables developers to give a much more customized and targeted experience when opening the app. Such deep linking can be used for both standard and deferred deep links. For instance, these links redirect to a paragraph or other graphics on a specific page of the site, irrespective of whether this is a standard or deferred deep link.

Advantages of Deep Linking

Deep Linking is a powerful tool apps marketers have in their arsenal. With its simplicity and flexibility, apps marketers can use these kinds of links to fulfill many goals.

Enhances the user experience-

With a deep link, apps marketers can help apps users get to the best features or offers without navigating much. For instance, a gaming apps can advertise its game on social media and get customers to download the app via an interactive video.

Promotes specific content easily-

With the help of deep links, you can link the content on your apps with your ad campaign. For instance, you could run a targeted promotional campaign where users who get redirected to the apps could get exclusive discounts and offers.

Improves user engagement, usage, and retention

Deep links embedded in push notifications, social media posts, or elsewhere help apps marketers to engage better with their users. In a way, a deep link helps give the re-engagement and retention marketing campaign more ‘teeth’ in its efforts.

Helps to reengage users-

With deep links, you can re-engage with your dormant customers by taking them to content that helps convert. This could include customized discounts, offers, promotions, and anything that could entice the user to reuse the apps.

Improves discoverability-

Deep links show in the search engines just like any website would. This helps in SEO and increases the probability of your mobile app and website getting more traffic and ultimately sales.

In the end

Deep Links are a great marketing tool that can help apps marketers reach their apps goals. With these, you can experiment and choose different campaign styles to increase the chances of sales. If you need to use Deep Links exclusively for your apps marketing, do contact Swipe cart, where you can create an apps and market it with all the latest features and integrations.

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