How to Begin profitable Strawberry Cultivation In India

Strawberry can cultivated in subtropical climates. In India, it is generally produced in the hills. Its main cultivation centres in Nainital and Dehradun are Uttar Pradesh, Mahabaleshwar, Bangalore and Kalimpong. In recent years, strawberries have been cultivated successfully in the plains of Maharashtra around Pune, Nashik and Sangali towns.
Strawberry a delicious fruit taken fresh in several ways. It makes excellent jam and ice cream because of its rich fragrance and is also a suitable source of vitamin C. Unfortunately, it is a soft and highly perishable fruit, often shipped in a frozen condition in Western countries.
Strawberry blossoms best in a gentle atmosphere. It is a short-day plant, which needs exposure to about 10 days of less than 8 hours of sunshine for initiation of flowering. The plants do not make any change and remain dormant. Exposure to low temperatures during this period helps break the plant’s dormancy. In spring, when the days evolve longer and the temperature increases. The plants resume growth and begin flowering. The types grown in milder subtropical climates do not require chilling and restart to grow during winter. Varieties that develop flower buds during long and short light periods are overbearing.
Strawberry needs a well-drained medium loam soil rich in organic matter. Runner formation is better in light soils and those rich in organic matter. It is preferable to plant it in a green manured crop.
Propagation done using pages that are after the blooming season fruits. All the plants with sound root systems should utilised to develop a new plantation. An individual plant usually produces 12 to 18 runners with the best engagement and care.
The land for strawberry planting should be provided by deep ploughing tracked by harrowing. Liberal amounts of organic manure should integrated into the soil before planting. Strawberry can grown on flatbeds, in hill rows or matted rows, or produced on raised beds. The planting space should be 45 cm between plants and 60 to 75 cm from row to row. Commonly Strawberry is grown from November to December.
The plants should be placed in the soil with their roots directly down. The ground around the plant should packed to ban air. The growing point of the manufacturer should be just outside the soil surface. The plants should not dry out during planting and should irrigated immediately after planting.
Strawberry relatively shallow-rooted. It is accessible to conditions of shortage. Early in autumn permits the plants to make good vegetative development before the onset of winter. However, in this matter, it is necessary to confirm that newly produced runners are irrigated frequently after growing. Otherwise, the mortality of the plants becomes increased. During September – October, irrigation should be provided twice a week if there is no rain. It may decreased to weekly intervals during November. In December – January, irrigation may offered once every fortnight. When fruiting forms, the watering frequency may again be raised. At this stage, frequent water gives bigger fruits.
Plant Protection
Red spider mites and cutworms are essential pests of strawberries. The cutworms can controlled by dusting the soil before planting with 5 per cent chlordane or Heptachlor dust at 50 kg per hectare and mixing it thoroughly in the ground by the cultivator.
Strawberry’s two most typical diseases are red stele, driven by the fungus Phytophthora fragariae and black root rot. And for the latter to preserve the vigour of the plants and rotate strawberries with other crops like vegetables. Strawberry also suffers from virus diseases called yellow edge, crinkle and dwarf. Raising a strawberry nursery in the hills helps to check these. Strawberry also throws some chlorotic plants resulting from hereditary segregation.
The fruit matures during late February – April in the plains and May – June at high heights. Therefore, it should harvested when still firm and before colour develops entirely over the fruit. Since fruit is naturally perishable, it is packed in flat, shallow containers of different types of bamboo paper trays, etc. Harvesting should done earlier in the light in dry situations. Cleaning the fruit bruises it and spoils its lustre. Mahindra 245 is best for farming tasks because this tractor model provides efficient fieldwork.
Post Harvest
Strawberries are positively perishable and hence a significant deal of care in harvesting and handling. Usually, the fruit is gathered in the early morning and shipped to the market in the afternoon of the same daytime or is established in the late afternoon, stored overnight in a cool place, and sent to need the following morning.
Varieties of Strawberry
Different types of strawberries given below. In addition, they can quickly have a higher-yielding capacity and good runner producing ability.
Large-sized fruits with firm skin and flesh. A single strawberry weighs around 18 grams. The berries are famous for desserts due to their unique colour and flavour.
Large-sized fruits with firm skin and flesh. The single berry weight is about 9 grams. It is an early maturing type and tolerant of viral attacks.
Torrey berry weighs about 6 grams and large-sized fruits with the flesh of medium firmness. They produce numerous runners.
Being a day-neutral type, it produces off-season fruits. Significant in sized, block-shaped fruits with firm skin. This berry weighs up to 18 grams and has excellent dessert quality.
Large, conical fruits with bright red skin. It tastes sweetly acidic, and its weight is around 15 grams. Mahindra 265 tractor model is excellent for strawberry cultivation. It also comes with an affordable price range.
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