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How to carry out swimming pool cleaning and maintenance?

Leaves being gathered in a skimmer net found in a swimming pool

The maintenance of your swimming pool is essential to preserve the quality of the water in the pool and meets several objectives.


Filtration circuit, treatment products to keep the water in perfect balance, disinfection, cleaning of the waterline, the walls, the bottom, the Skimmer basket, etc. the planning of the operations are varied and more or less frequent. Regular checks by your professional pool cleaner will allow you to enjoy the pure, clear water of your pool while preserving your health and the durability of your equipment. This article presents the essential points for properly maintaining your above-ground or in-ground swimming pool and guaranteeing pleasant bathing water.

Swimming pool filtration

Filtration is a mechanical treatment of swimming pool water that purifies it by retaining all the impurities in suspension which pollute the pool with insects, leaves, twigs, etc. The filtration system alone provides 80% of the maintenance. We will eliminate everything that we cannot remove by filtration by chemical treatment: algae, bacteria, viruses.

Swimming pool water treatment

Swimming pool water is a very sensitive living environment, conducive to the proliferation of microorganisms. It therefore requires adequate operations. The following are the different targets:

The treatment that we need to execute in several stages using equipment, systems and pool maintenance products.

Water preparation

The preparation of swimming pool water aims to eliminate as many elements as possible in it, in order to optimize the effectiveness of disinfection. It is carried out using a landing net, a robot or Flocculant – 5 L liquid flocculant. Present on the market in the form of liquid or powder tablets, swimming pool flocculant is intended to collect all the fine particles that escape sand filters and are invisible to the naked eye, so that they clump together and form larger particles. They can then be filtered.

Water analysis and standardization

This step consists of checking the measurements of 3 parameters:

The potential of hydrogen

pH refers to the level of acidity or basicity of water. It undergoes variations for various reasons: weather, treatment products, outside temperature, frequency of bathing, filtration, etc. The ideal pH of swimming pool water is between 7.2 and 7.8.

The Hydrotimetric Title

The TH expresses the mineralization rate of the water which corresponds to the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions. It is measured in degrees (°F) and is used to determine the hardness of the water.

The Complete Alkalimetric Title

The TAC of the water makes it possible to know its concentration in calcium bicarbonate and determines its alkalinity.

We can measure and use test strips, readers and electronic testers.

Water disinfection

We can disinfect the water with disinfectant and oxidizing products, algaecides (anti-algae) or by salt electrolysis.

Oxidizing disinfectants

They eliminate impurities and the many organisms that rapidly proliferate in the pool (viruses, fungi, bacteria, algae). The most common techniques being chlorine, active oxygen and bromine.


We can use a specific anti-algae product like algaecide, to prevent and to fight against the development of algae.

Salt electrolysis

Salt electrolysis is an automatic treatment process that relies on a chemical reaction through the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy. Just add a small amount of salt to the pool water. Passing through the device, the salt can replace chlorine with its disinfectant properties.

Clean your pool daily

Swimming pool maintenance includes cleaning tasks that must be carried out regularly by a professional pool cleaning company.  We can clean it manually or with devices (vacuum cleaner, pool robot) to keep the water clean and the pool in good condition.

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