How to Remove Granite Countertops

For homeowners, granite countertops are a popular choice because of their beautiful appearance and durability. However, if you want to remove your granite countertops, you must take a few steps. There are a few different ways to go about it. You can use a power saw, a drill, or an electric grinder. The most important thing is to wear safety glasses and gloves, so you don’t get cuts on your hands. Once the granite is off the counter, you can remove the screws that hold it in place and replace it with another surface.
This article will outline those steps for you and provide tips on completing them successfully.
Materials Needed
To remove a Granite Counter, you will need the following items:
- A bucket
- Rubber gloves
- A scrub brush
- A bucket
- Sandpaper (fine or medium)
- An electric drill with a ¼-inch bit
- An electric saw with a straight blade
- Chisel
Remove Granite Counters
If you’re considering replacing your Granite Counters, there are a few things to remember. Here are five tips to help you get the job done safely and efficiently:
Take out the sink
In most cases, the sink is attached to the countertop by a few screws. Pry it loose with a screwdriver and then lift out the sink.
If the countertop is made of marble or another hard surface, you may need to use a saw or chisel to remove the countertop. Be sure to wear safety equipment and protect your arms and hands from sharp pieces of granite.
Once the countertop is removed, use a cleaning product such as ammonia or Murphy’s Oil Soap to clean the surface. Then, apply a sealant such as Zinsser Polishing Sealant and let it dry.
Remove all the Plywood
There are a few ways to remove granite countertops. The most common way is to use a power drill and a Phillips head screwdriver:
- Measure the distance between the countertop and the wall. This will determine how many screws you need to remove.
- Use a drill to drill a hole in the countertop at that distance.
- Using a screwdriver, remove the screws.
Remove the countertop
If you don’t have access to a power drill or Phillips head screwdriver, you can also try using an Immersion Blower. Start by removing all of the paneling above and below the countertop. Next, place an immersion blower near one end of the countertop and turn it on to full power. The heat from the immersion blower will start to melt the granite and loosen it from the surface. Once it reduces, use a pry bar to pull it off the countertop.
Remove the Backsplash
If you are removing your Granite Counters, the backsplash is a necessary piece of the puzzle. A thin layer of vinyl or silicone around the perimeter of the countertop will keep it from sticking to the wall and make removal much more accessible. Use a drywall saw to make a straight line across the back of the countertop, then use a hammer and chisel to loosen and remove the old backsplash. Be careful not to damage the new countertop while removing the old one!
Tips for Removing Granite Counters
Removing Granite Counters is a difficult task, but not impossible. Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Use a power drill and a bit designed explicitly for granite. Make sure to use a protective shield when drilling, as granite can be extremely sharp.
- First, remove the old countertop using a screwdriver to pry it up from the cabinets beneath it. Save any screws or nails used to secure it, as you’ll need them later.
- If the countertop is attached to the cabinets with metal brackets, use a saw to cut through the brackets and then pull the countertop free. For countertops not connected to the cabinet with metal brackets, you’ll need to use a chisel or hammer and to break through the surface of the granite and remove it. Be careful not to damage the underlying wood cabinets!
- Once the countertop is free, clean off any debris or dust accumulated over time. Use a hose if necessary to get rid of all of the trash.
- Install new countertops by following
Cleanup Tips After Removing Granite Counters
If you’re looking to clean up your Granite Counters after removing them, here are some tips to follow:
- Use a wet cloth to wipe down the countertops. Make sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies.
- Use a cleaner designed specifically for granite surfaces. Some popular choices are granite cleaner and granite etching cleaner.
- Let the cleaner sit on the countertops for a few minutes before wiping it off. This will help to remove any residue that was left behind.
If you’re looking to remove your Granite Counters, you need to take a few key steps. First, use a powerful cleaner to break up the surface dirt and debris. Next, use a scrubbing pad and water bucket to clean the dirty areas. Finally, use a power drill and appropriate bit size to create pilot holes through the granite and the surrounding substrate. Use caution when drilling, as cracking or chipping can occur if done incorrectly. Once your counters have been removed, clean them with a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly before setting them back in place. Have fun removing those pesky countertops!