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Java Language, Future Scope & Understanding the Features

Java Language, Its Future Scope and Understanding the Features

The JAVA programming language is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and class-based programming language designed to inherit more subordinate implementation dependencies. When it comes to developing applications, JAVA is regarded as a fast, secure, and computing platform. Because of its versatility, JAVA is widely used by developers all over the world in data centres, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, Java applications on laptops, and so on.

Java’s Future

The future of JAVA cannot be predicted, but we are confident that it will not vanish shortly. JAVA includes a virtual machine that allows developers to write code on a variety of operating systems, including Linux and Microsoft Windows. Aside from that, JAVA uses the most recent updates to process its progress for improved performance. If you want to work as a Java developer, you can take a java course in Delhi in Uncodemy

Furthermore, it is anticipated that the global developer community will grow by 28.7 million by 2024. Aside from that, 64.1 per cent of developers would prefer to continue coding in Java in addition to SQL, HTML/CSS, and Python. Not only that, but many large corporations, such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, continue to use Java in their software development processes. 

Java Features

Some of the most important features of Java programming are as follows:

C and C++ were inspirations

Java is based on C and C++. Although the syntax of Java is similar to that of these languages, the languages themselves are quite different. Many features of C and C++ are inherited by Java. Java code is slower than C++ code, but it is more portable and has better security features.

Simple and well-known

The Java programming language is easy to learn, comprehend, read, and write. In comparison to other programming languages such as C and C++, Java programmes are simple to create and implement. Java is simple to learn if you are familiar with basic programming principles or the concept of OOP (object-oriented programming). You can learn java in a java training institute Noida in UNCODEMY, KVCH or Ducat, the best java training course Noida

Why is Java so simple?

  • Simple to grasp
  • Code that is clean and simple to understand

Why is Java so well-known?

It is similar to C and C++ and incorporates many of these programming languages’ features.

Java does not include the complex and ambiguous concepts found in C and C++, such as explicit pointers and storage classes. For programmers who know C or C++, it is simple to learn.


In contrast to C++, which is semi-object-oriented, Java is a fully object-oriented language. It is compatible with every OOP concept, including Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. Classes and objects are used to create Java programmes. Another distinguishing feature is that in Java, the main () function is defined as part of a class.

Independent of Platform

Java’s platform independence means that Java programmes compiled on one machine or operating system can be executed without modification on any other machine or operating system. It is also referred to as an Architecture Neutral Language.

Java supports WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere), which means that programmers can write applications in one operating system and run them in another without any changes.

The Java Compiler is used to compile Java source code. The compiler converts the source code into byte code, which is an intermediate code. The JVM then converts this code into machine-dependent form (Java Virtual Machine). The JVM can run byte code on any platform or operating system that has it installed.

Compilation and interpretation

Java supports programme compilation as well as programme interpretation. It combines the strength of compiled languages with the adaptability of interpreted languages.

The Java compiler (javac) compiles the Java source code into byte code when a Java programme is created. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) acts as an interpreter, converting byte code to portable machine code that can be executed on any operating system.


Java allows for multithreading programming. A thread is a self-contained process that executes a set of statements. The term “multi-threaded” refers to the creation of multiple threads to handle multiple tasks at once.

JVM employs multiple threads to run different sections of code from the same programme in parallel. The multithreading feature enables programmers to create programmes that can perform multiple tasks at the same time. It increases CPU and main memory utilisation because there is no need to wait for an application to complete one task before beginning another.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Maximum resource utilisation
  • Saves time and money
  • Threads are self-contained, so one does not affect the other. This improves the performance of complex applications.

Java is more dynamic than C and C++. It is capable of adapting to its changing surroundings. It enables programmers to link new class libraries, objects, and methods dynamically. Java programmes can contain a lot of run-time information that can be used to resolve object access.


Java is a robust language that can handle run-time errors because it validates the code during the compile and runtime processes. If the JVM detects a runtime error, it will not be passed directly to the underlying system. Instead, it will terminate the programme immediately and prevent it from causing any harm to the system. Java has an effective memory management system. It also supports the garbage collection and exception handling concepts.


Java is a secure programming language that prevents programmes from accessing memory locations without authorization. Memory access is checked using access modifiers. Java also ensures that no viruses are introduced into an applet. Java’s bytecode verifier inspects code blocks for illegal code that violates the access right. It also does not allow programmers to create pointers explicitly.

High Efficiency

Java has high performance because it employs the JIT (Just In Time) compiler. Only the method that is being called is compiled by the compiler. By caching interpretations, the JIT improves the performance of interpreting byte code.

We now understand what characteristics make Java a popular and useful programming language among programmers, software developers, and data scientists. Its design is adaptable, allowing developers to write code that can run on any machine. This versatile programming language’s impressive features enable programmers to create scalable and high-performance programmes.

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