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Myths and Facts on Vaping in 2021


The vaping industry is booming. Within the next five years, it’s projected that there will be over 500 million vapers worldwide. The rise of this new way to get high has come with its fair share of criticism from both sides. It’s time to get the facts on vaping in 2021 and dispel some myths about vapes and its effects.

Myth – E-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking.

E-cigarettes and vaping devices do not cause nicotine addiction or tobacco use. Some people initially try e-cigarettes before they start smoking. Research shows that the vast majority of youth experimentation with these products does NOT lead to regular usage.

Fact – Vaping does not lead to smoking.

Many people have been led to believe that vaping will have the same effect as smoking, but this is simply untrue. Smoking rates have been declining for decades, and no evidence that vaping leads to smoking. A study published in 2015 showed a decline in cigarette use among young people despite an increase in those who vape nicotine.

Myth – Vaping is as harmful as smoking cigarettes.

This is a myth that the media have perpetuated, and it’s not true. Vaping does not involve burning anything, so secondhand smoke isn’t a thing with vaping. It also doesn’t have nearly as many toxins or cancer-causing chemicals as cigarette smoking. There are no dangerous carcinogens from tobacco combustion. The vapor produced from e-cigarettes contains mainly glycerin and propylene glycol, nicotine (optional), flavoring agents, water, and some other trace amounts of common food additives like acetic acid (vinegar). 

You might see this concern come up most often when talking about Best CBD Vape and Best Vape Pens. You can use the Best Vape Pens for vaping oils and waxes that contain concentrated forms of cannabis. Best CBD oil derives from hemp, less than 0.03% THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana). Because it doesn’t get you high as traditional Best Marijuana Strains does. It’s legal to purchase online and use for medical purposes where allowed by law.


Many people who vape Best CBD Oils might do so because the effects aren’t as harsh on your lungs in comparison with smoking weed. Nevertheless, this isn’t always true since some atomizers can be very hot when you use Best Vape Pens. Best CBD Oil is anti-inflammatory and can help treat chronic pain, insomnia, epilepsy, and migraines in some cases. Hence, it’s something you should consider trying if Best Marijuana Strains isn’t your thing.

Fact – We need more research about the potential side effects of vaping

There isn’t enough research about what happens when you breathe in e-cigarette vapor. So, we don’t know if this myth is true or not. It does seem unlikely since even people who work with tobacco products don’t get sick from secondhand smoke.

The long-term health effects of vaping are not yet known. But, it’s likely better than cigarette smoke’s short and long-term effects. Nonetheless, most vape juice is made with pharmaceutical-grade ingredients that come from countries like China or Switzerland, where regulations on product quality control are stricter compared to places in North America 

Fact – Vaping can help one quit smoking.

Many former smokers have reported quitting cigarettes by switching over to a vaporizer. The thing about vaping is that it mimics the smoking experience while being a healthier alternative. There is a vast community of people who vape, especially with Best Vape Mods.

At this time, there are no clinically tested results that say vaping will help you quit smoking. But, it could potentially be helpful in some cases when used as an alternative. There has been plenty of anecdotal evidence pointing to the fact that many former smokers have turned to vape as a way to help them stop smoking.

Key Takeaway

Vaping is still relatively new, and there are many myths out there about what it can do to your body. One of the most common misconceptions people have is that vaping will lead to smoking cigarettes, but this isn’t true. So if you’re considering quitting smoking by switching over to a Dr. Dabber vape pen or e-cigarette, don’t let these myths stop you from making a positive change for yourself! 

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