If you have a business, you need to promote it so that people know where to find it. One effective way to do this is with custom signs.
A custom sign can catch the eye of potential customers who might be driving or walking by your location and draw them in to visit your business.
This doesn’t mean you need an entirely new sign – in fact, you may want to keep your existing sign but add a custom element that makes your business stand out from competitors.
Here are four places in Canada where you can get custom signs made for your business or organization.
Why You Should Go for Custom Signs
A custom sign is an important part of your business’ identity. It helps you attract customers and build brand awareness.
Therefore, if you’re running a business, it is time for you to get customized signs for your industry.
The best way to do that is by turning to a reputed signage company. However, not all companies are trustworthy and reliable, which makes it difficult for you to find one.
If you are looking forward to getting custom signs installed at your place of business or home, consider these important points
How To Order a Custom Signs?
Once you’ve decided on your custom sign, it’s time to begin looking for companies that can make it for you.
We asked Vancouver-based designer of signs and graphics, Jangle Signs, about how their customers order custom signs.
We get several requests from individuals who want custom signs made for them.
In most cases we suggest they talk with local sign companies about their project. And in some cases, we’re able to take on large jobs as well. (It really depends on how big or unique a job is.)
That said, we encourage our own customers to simply request quotes from different sign companies by using our free quote tool.
You’ll be surprised at just how affordable professional custom signs can be!
How Much Will It Cost Me?
Most custom signs cost hundreds of dollars, not thousands. Custom signs tend to start at around $300 CAD.
You may pay more for materials such as specialty woods, or features like LED lighting or power outlets.
The quote you get from one sign company is likely similar to what another would give.
So, look for things like design capabilities and turnaround time when choosing your partner.
Remember that even though they’re made to last, signs are also designed to be changed regularly.
So, expect each sign you buy will wind up costing far less than your initial investment over time (hint: save receipts!).
Keep in mind that just because an idea is appealing does not mean it has commercial value and will sell.
Often designs with low appeal are adopted by innovators who then build on their creation.
What Are Your Payment Options?
Most people buy custom signs on credit card or an invoice, though you can use cash if you want.
You’ll want to talk with your sign company about what their preferred method of payment is.
For example, some companies will only accept cheque from businesses, while others prefer that customers pay using Visa or MasterCard.
It’s also important to find out whether they have any minimum order requirements.
Some sign companies require orders over $500 before they will even consider working with you.
Is There Anything Else I Should Know Before Ordering My Custom Signs?
The greatest hurdle is often with finding a sign shop that works with customers on an individual level.
Most sign companies will be unwilling to work with you on something they didn’t create themselves, or even offer design consultation.
However, there are select Canadian businesses (primarily Sign Company Canada) that take orders for made-to-order signs.
These companies will guide you through how and where to place your custom signs. So, there’s no limit as to where you can have them installed.