
Top-5 Salesforce Testing Challenges and Solutions

Salesforce’s adaptability is one of the reasons it is so popular among enterprises. By extending the out-of-the-box functionality as you can construct whatever you desire including Workflow, supports the client’s business processes, and many more. But what if your solution causes issues in other parts of your company’s Salesforce environment?

As a result, we require more easily available Salesforce testing solutions. In this blog, we’ll discuss the challenges of Salesforce testing and how partnering with a professional QA provider can help you solve them using AI testing.

Salesforce Testing: Why is it important?

Here are the top reasons to perform Salesforce testing:

  • Permits you to confirm that the configuration and code are working properly.
  • Helps you in ensuring that the complete system is capable of supporting the client’s business processes.
  • Assists you in ensuring that the system’s first build fits the agreed-upon specifications.
  • Aids you in detecting problems early on, when they are still manageable.
  • The process builders feature can check the system’s operating status and behavior.
  • Workflows give you a glimpse into the capabilities of time-based events.

5 Salesforce Testing Challenges

Just because you can configure a solution in Salesforce doesn’t mean it works for all setups and integrations. This is a common problem when people work with no-code or low-code solutions. This is also why we need Salesforce testing. However, you face many challenges while implementing these tests.            

The following are five of the more prevalent ones:

1. Dynamic content execution
Salesforce, like many modern web applications, features dynamic elements with no set ID, name, class, or CSS characteristics. As a result, the element’s locator cannot be hard-coded. Minor UI changes can cause the tests to become unstable. The test script must include Implicit, Fluent, or Explicit Waits because most items load dynamically.

2. Time-consuming & Complex

Due to the nature of Salesforce itself, it’s difficult to automate Salesforce testing. In addition, the general UI was not designed to facilitate Salesforce testing. As a result, it is complex and time-consuming.

3. Multiple Fields

Tests are particularly challenging to build because each object has so many fields and modes of interaction. It’s all too easy to waste hours writing tests for a single object when you could have done so in minutes by hand. Salesforce testing appears to be a much less realistic choice as a result of this.

4. Numerous Integration Points

Finally, Salesforce testing might be difficult due to a large number of integration points with other systems, such as email services, external databases, and so on. Furthermore, because of the nature of Salesforce, its ongoing evolution, and the fact that it is a cloud-based service, you must test your code against several versions of the applications.

5. Non-repeatable and Reliable Tests

For automation to work, tests must be repeatable, but many Salesforce tests aren’t since they rely on change data collecting (CDC). Many tests were done using a snapshot, which implies that when you will obtain the test results, the data may be out of date. The way tests are conducted and the data that is used will differ from one setting to the next, making it difficult for automated processes to work smoothly.

Salesforce Testing Solution

We came across a lot of Salesforce test automation best practices while working on various Salesforce Testing projects. Here are a few examples:

  • First, automate the simple tasks.
  • Run a test on a copy of your production data while writing a test that uses data from your org production.
  • Use automated tests to cover all of the functionality that tests automatically because they are quick and straightforward to conduct.
  • To make UI-driven testing easier, use Salesforce clicks and links.
  • Use the record & play tool to get started quickly.
  • To prevent affecting production data, test in a sandbox/test organization.
  • For more advanced test automation, familiarize yourself with the Salesforce platform API.

How Could QASource Be a Savior in Salesforce Testing?

Salesforce includes a lot of built-in capabilities that fit into your individual business needs. These customizations may reveal regressions with fundamental Salesforce functionalities, lowering the customization’s overall quality.

Salesforce testing with QASource allows you to test periodic software updates and determine how effectively your customized features are operating, giving you greater confidence in the outcome.
To know more,
contact QASource now.

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